AFS Activity Report

By Asami Kaneko & Chika Kawamoto

Asami Kaneko (third, Faculty of Technology and Engineering)
@@On June 7th and 8th, I worked as a student representative, also known as the gheadh in AFS, at the Short Program Sending Orientation that was held at the Osaka Hall. This orientation is held every year by the AFS for high school students who are going to have a home-stay for four weeks in the summer. The participants of the orientation at the Osaka Hall were mainly consisted of high school students from western Japan. But there were new participants: four from Doshisha, two from Australia, and two from Canada. During the orientation, everyone discussed about their eagerness towards the home-stay and they all seemed very excited. I hope they come back with many memories and I wish the best of luck to all four of them.

Chika Kawamoto (first, Faculty of Law)
@@gIn the mid of June, an orientation was held for high school students who are studying abroad for 11 months starting from the summer. Five meetings over the student preparations were planned within the 3 days 2-night program. I hope the students were able to learn something from the orientation.h
@@Since then, Kawamoto has also worked as a farewell party staff at the AFS Kyoto branch for the temporary students who came to a university in Kyoto.

¦ AFS (American Field Service)

Short Program Sending Orientation in Osaka (Four Doshisha Senior High School female students participated)
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