What's Up on Campus

Habitat for Humanity ` There's Always Something We Can Do to Help

Yui Shinohara

  One of the biggest projects that the members of our club worked on was the volunteer work at the Tohoku areas. This work does not only require our club, but can also be said to all the places in Japan. Each of us visited the tsunami affected areas and thought about what, as a college student, could do to help.
   Right after March 11th, Habitat for Humanity started off with a fundraising campaign in Kyoto cities. I can still recall many people supporting our campaign directly after the Tohoku disaster. Some were an elementary school student who contributed part of his pocket money to help. Another person said, gI am so sorry that this is all I can giveh and put as much money as she had in our collecting box. I was delighted how so many people in the Kansai area, a place not effected by the tsunami, were interested and had the strong impression of wanting to help. However, as the time flies, people were not showing much of interest to our fundraising campaign anymore.

  In November, I visited Kesennuma in Miyagi Prefecture to remake the anchors that were washed away by the tsunami. While hand making these anchors, the fisherman told us how a huge tsunami affected their lives greatly. We heard many stories, from the disasterstricken areas, about their experiences of the devastations and we were all impressed by their words. gWe [victims] were able to live through from all of the wonderful help by the volunteers. We thank all of you very much.h There, they were so many relief supplies delivered from all around the world. It is important for all of us to never forget about this natural disaster that swept many parts of Japan.

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