Introduction of Club Activities


Ruriko Mitsuishi (Faculty of Law, 3rd Year)

  In mid-November, we held our first cooking party. Some of the dishes we made were chirashi-sushi (unrolled sushi), ton-jiru (soup with sliced vegetables and pork), and pancakes. We met up in front of the supermarket early morning and bought the ingredients before the exchange students arrived. Even though 2 out of 5 people had no experience in cooking, the others took leadership and guided each other through the recipes. During the process of cutting baked eggs, it was difficult to explain what a tanzaku-giri (the shape like rectangular) wasto the exchange students. Later, I realized there are many ways of cutting shapes in Japanese cooking. Since America does not, it was hard to explain to them in English. While enjoying our meal, we talked about traditional foods in onefs countries. We only made Japanese food this time, but hopefully wefll get to challenge foreign recipes in the future.
Mitsuishi, far left
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