Reviews Over 100 Responses ‚P

Zhou Weiwei (Faculty of Commerce, 4th Year)

    Globalization has advanced and exchanges of economics, culture, science, and sports that have crossed the border have began to conduct frequently. The once known gbigh earth is now known as a village of earth. The different skin color, language, culture, and values that one holds must coexist in the same society. cross-culture have become a part of our daily lives.
    For our questionnaire, we decided to ask over 100 students from Doshisha University on their most impressive experience of cross-culture. Thanks to all the cooperation made by many people, we were thankfully able to collect over 100 opinions. The context was very different but I realized an amusing pattern. The opinions that were collected differed depending on the person that gathered the questionnaire and the opinions seemed slightly similar to the person that gathered them. The way the questionnaire was explained and collected must have been different due to the individual but I think the main reason lies within the ones character and their circle of friends.

    1. In case when Japanese students collected the questionnaire Many students pointed out how they were surprised at the different customs, habits, and food but they never stated why they thought so. It seemed like they didnft think seriously about the point. Since they were raised in an affluent environment, they tend to believe that Japan is the best. Itfs difficult to say that they didnft show much effort into understanding cross-culture but by looking at the results, I got an impression that they lacked in knowledge towards the matter.

    2. In case when international students collected the questionnaire These students have high knowledge towards crossculture by actively being involved in international exchange events and other activities. There were many opinions where one stated their actual experiences of cross-culture. They also strongly explained how mutual understanding was important.

    If I were to express my view, as a Chinese International Student, in the questionnaire, I would explain thoroughly in a clever way. I have studied under the Chinese education and I have formed new ways of thinking during my study abroad, which has influenced my values. Ifm not trying to point out that a certain way of expression is better, but I think its important to understand the difference and to be conscious why one thinks a certain way about a certain matter.
@The key to coexistence is to judge things objectively and to make an effort to mutually understand the differences.

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