Over 100 Doshisha Students Answer gExperiences of Cross Cultureh

The photo provided by Hideo Ishida
  1. Yuhei Tanaka Faculty of Policy Studies 4th year Hyogo prefecture When I home-stayed in Canada for a month during 8th grade, I was surprised how they ate bacon with honey.

  2. Shinsuke Fujiki Faculty of Commerce 4th year Hyogo prefecture When I went to China, the taxi driver was earpicking while speeding on the freeway.

  3. Seiichiro Harada Faculty of Economics 3rd year Fukuoka prefecture The most impressive memory is when I played kabaddi with an Indian whenI was in elementary school. They played seriously, even though I was still little.

  4. Takushi Aoyama Faculty of Policy Studies 4th year Ibaraki prefecture When I was in elementary school, I played soccer witha Brazilian and he wasnft very good. Thatfs when I realized that not all Brazilians are good at soccer.

  5. Masakazu Matsutori Faculty of Policy Studies 2nd year Fukuoka prefecture When I was on a flight to go overseas, a flight attendant bumped into me and didnft apologize.

  6. Yumi Tanaka Faculty of Policy Studies Graduate of 2009 Chiba prefecture The bus I took went off route and made a detour. I eventually got to my destination but until the very last minute, I was worried that I took the wrong bus.

  7. Ayako Hashimoto Faculty of Policy Studies Graduate of 2009 Ehime prefecture I was surprised at how Italian people were very cheerful, completely the opposite of Japanese people.

  8. Sachiko Fujita Faculty of Policy Studies Graduate of 2009 Okayama prefecture When I was in India, a cow charged at me. I was astonished because theyfre usually apathetic toward passersby.

  9. Ayano Yoshida Faculty of Policy Studies Graduate of 2009 Mie prefecture I thought it was nice how people in Europe were friendly towards strangers and to be able to exchange a conversation comfortably.

  10. Faculty of Policy Studies Graduate of 2009 I know its part of the law, but I was shocked at how not only the shops in the city but most of the sightseeing areas were closed on Sundays.

  11. Sho Hisaoka Faculty of Policy Studies 2nd year Hyogo prefecture When my international friend told me that he was shocked at the jam-packed trains in Japan.

  12. Mai Heii Faculty of Policy Studies 3rd year Kyoto prefecture I realized that Americans donft care as much about what other people think compared to the Japanese. When I saw a show on stage, people were freely cheering.

  13. Sai Ineoka Faculty of Economics 2nd year Kyoto prefecture When I was invited to a foreignerfs home, they showed me every single room. Also, the fact that they kept the door open when someone was there and how they closed the door when no one was there.

  14. Taiki Agata Faculty of Law 3rd year Osaka prefecture The way people in France had bread as their main food everyday.

  15. Rie Endo Faculty of Law 2nd year Mie prefecture How guys give girls presents on Valentinefs Day

  16. Emi Sasaki Faculty of Letters 4th year Osaka prefecture The fact that they donft use bath tubs, put ketchup on food, wear shoes inside the house, and donft have a saying before eating meals.

  17. Moemi Sakamoto Faculty of Letters 3rd year Osaka prefecture Communicating with my teacher while I was studying a foreign language during a class at school.

  18. Yoshitaka Yasuda Faculty of Science & Engineering 3rd year Mie prefecture During a school festival at my high school, I made a donation to a student in Cambodia. Later, I received a letter saying, gI was able to go to school because of you.h I was very happy and it left an impression.

  19. Arisa Nagata Faculty of Economics 3rd year Hyogo prefecture A foreigner carrying a big luggage being the first one to give away their seat to an elderly person in a crowded bus.

  20. Yu Itabisashi Faculty of Letters 3rd year Tottori prefecture By leaving my hometown and coming out to Kyoto, I realized that I had to build human relations starting from zero.

  21. Atsushi Morita Faculty of Letters 3rd year Osaka prefecture When I went to Los Angeles for my senior trip, I felt the interculture by being in an environment with only English. I sensed the difference between America and Japan.

  22. Kazuhiro Yamauchi Faculty of Science & Engineering 4th year Fukui prefecture The fact that Japan performs whale hunting for food, it causes a controversy with countries that strongly oppose and are for animal protection.

  23. Graduate of 2009 Tokushima prefecture I thought I spoke in the standard language, but I had a hard time not being able to make myself understood.

  24. Yoshiyuki Iida Graduate School of Engineering Graduate of 2008 Mie prefecture During a trip to Vietnam, I met an Israeli and an Icelander at the hostel I stayed. We then later went to the pool, and was shocked to see that the Israelifs body was covered with tattoos.

  25. Marie Tsubono Faculty of Letters 3rd year Hyogo prefecture I feel a cross culture when I listen to foreign folk music. I realized that a melody that is considered beautiful is different depending on the culture.

  26. Maiko Oshima Faculty of Letters 3rd year Osaka prefecture I became friends with a Korean girl during an international student volunteer and the sight of her challenging tea ceremony was impressive.

  27. Shoko Kurisu Faculty of Policy Studies Graduate of 2009 Tokushima prefecture Two years ago, a Canadian said even though there are good people in Japan, he cannot accept the government.

  28. Mari Sakata Faculty of Policy Studies Graduate of 2009 Mie prefecture I was deeply impressed by being able to break the language barrier through sports and enjoy spending time together.

  29. Yuko Inoue Faculty of Letters Graduate of 2009 Osaka prefecture When I went to a rural district in New Zealand during 9th grade, there were no signals, trains, and everyone walked outside barefoot.

  30. Sachie Kamino Faculty of Policy Studies Graduate of 2009 Hyogo prefecture Through an international exchange, I became friends with an American couple and was able to talk freely about everything.

  31. Ginjiro Katsuma Faculty of Policy Studies 2nd year Kyoto prefecture I was surprised to have dinner at five in the afternoon.

  32. Toshiyuki Shimizu Faculty of Policy Studies 3rd year Kyoto prefecture Being able to hug in front of others.

  33. Yuya Mamenari Faculty of Economics 4th year Osaka prefecture The fact that trains and buses arrived late.

  34. Risa Yoshinaga Faculty of Economics 1st year Kumamoto prefecture I was impressed when I saw the news about the folk dispute.

  35. At the exchange meeting (Kambaikan Conference Room) with the international students (including the Chinese students) and Japanese students of Doshisha University
  36. Takuya Goho Faculty of Social Studies Graduate I felt a culture shock in Taiwan with the following things: betel, the number of bikes, fashionable masks, the spread of Japanese culture, lottery of receipts, and the lively street vendorfs at night.

  37. Masayoshi Kobayashi Graduate When I went to Taiwan, it was clear that Taiwanese people were more willing in offering seats to the elderly in trains and buses. I was also surprised at how the young generation was very religious.

  38. Masashi Yasuda (Matthew) Graduate School of Social Studies 2nd year In Taiwan, everyone wore bathing suits in hot springs. It was revolting to have the bathing suit stuck on my body.

  39. When I went overseas, I was surprised at how there was a room for the custodian in the bathrooms at the airport.

  40. Saori Kamada Faculty of Policy Studies 2nd year Hiroshima prefecture A foreign customer that came to eat at my work put Tabasco on everything he ate.

  41. Yurika Shimomae Faculty of Policy Studies 2nd year Kyoto prefecture The sizes of the hamburgers were humongous.

  42. Rie Kitao Faculty of Policy Studies 2nd year Kyoto prefecture The sizes at McDonalds were big, getting your own drink at fast food places, and how they sell things other than food at supermarkets.

  43. Kisa Kawashima Faculty of Policy Studies 2nd year Aichi prefecture Cows crossing the streets, taking showers in the morning, having brunch on weekends, seeing an aurora from my window, how the wallpapers for every room was different and cute, and how the Dad did the housework. (In Canada)

  44. Faculty of Policy Studies 2nd year Kyoto prefecture When I worked at a bakery, they used their hands instead of tongs to handle the bread. Also, the fact that they are more conscious about ecology.

  45. Faculty of Policy Studies 2nd year Hiroshima prefecture I was startled when I saw a Bulgarian on TV pouring yogurt on most of their food.

  46. Chihiro Tamaura Faculty of Policy Studies 2nd year Nara prefecture I was overwhelmed by the size of the country, how the fast food was double the size of Japan, and the fact that they didnft have purikura. (In the US)

  47. Ayako Tanaka Faculty of Policy Studies 2nd year Aichi prefecture On freeways, they have carpool lanes where people with two or more passengers can take. I was surprised that some people put fullsized dummies in the passengers seat just to be able to drive in that lane.

  48. Faculty of Policy Studies 2nd year Nara prefecture How the meaning of words are different in Japanese and English. For example, gmorningh indicating close to 12pm and gnighth indicating the usual sleeping hours.

  49. Maki Nagamura Faculty of Policy Studies 2nd year Hyogo prefecture The way dumplings (Gyoza) are only eaten with layou, and women not allowed at the dinner table during funerals. (In Korea)

  50. Manato Nakamura Faculty of Policy Studies 2nd year Kyoto prefecture Having corn flakes cereal for dinner.

  51. Uyuki Suzusho Faculty of Policy Studies 2nd year Kyoto prefecture Not taking a shower everyday.

  52. Daiki Iwamoto Faculty of Policy Studies 2nd year Nara prefecture Entering the house with shoes and having whole roast chicken for school lunch.

  53. Faculty of Policy Studies 2nd year Drinking tea while eating jam by scooping with a spoon. (In Russia)

  54. Aki Niekawa Faculty of Policy Studies 2nd year Osaka prefecture The teriyaki sauce tasted awful.

  55. Kei Nishimura Faculty of Policy Studies 2nd year Kyoto prefecture In Germany, sniffling your nose was considered dirty and a violation of manners.

  56. Jyunsuke Ihori Faculty of Economics 4th year Osaka prefecture When I felt a foreignerfs power during a match. I wonder if therefs a difference in what we eat.

  57. Atsushi Irie Faculty of Commerce 4th year Osaka prefecture When I went to America for an expedition of wrestling, the amount of food we were given was a lot every time.

  58. Tetsuya Takita Faculty of Economics 2nd year Hyogo prefecture The moment I realized that wrestling was famous in foreign countries. I wish it becomes that way in Japan.

  59. Kitoshi Komoto Faculty of Economics 4th year Osaka prefecture I saw two foreigners on the train and there was never a moment when they werenft talking.

  60. Koki Itakura Faculty of Science & Engineering Graduate Hyogo prefecture When I saw many people wearing hats during a high school class in America.

  61. Shin Kikuchi Faculty of Commerce 4th year Hokkaido prefecture Suddenly getting kissed by a local foreigner. I realized that there are different ways of greeting.

  62. Kosuke Fujiwara Faculty of Science & Engineering 4th year Osaka prefecture I saw a foreigner saying a prayer during a match.

  63. Kosuke Isumi Faculty of Science & Engineering 4th year Osaka prefecture I felt a cross-culture when I saw a person wearing a t-shirt during winter at school.

  64. Kota Mihara Faculty of Economics 2nd year Osaka prefecture When I met a foreigner who knew more about Japan than a Japanese person.

  65. Ryo Monjyu Faculty of Economics 2nd year Kyoto prefecture At work, I saw an African trying his best to use chopsticks.

  66. Atsushi Hashimoto Faculty of Commerce 4th year Yamaguchi prefecture By experiencing an interculture when I traveled abroad, I realized the beauty of Japan. I also thought that mutual understanding was important.

  67. Hiroyuki Kato Faculty of Commerce 4th year Fukui prefecture In Japan, people tend to think relying on others causes trouble. However, in China and Korea, people live by depending on each other.

  68. Hiroyuki Kato Faculty of Commerce 4th year Fukui prefecture In Japan, people tend to think relying on others causes trouble. However, in China and Korea, people live by depending on each other.

  69. Yui Ohashi Faculty of Commerce Graduate of 2009 Aichi prefecture While in Japan it seems like one loses vitality as one gets older, people in England shows more vigorous to others as one gets older.

  70. Eri Osada Faculty of Policy Studies 4th year Kyoto prefecture I once said, gChinese and Japanese are the same,h and was denied. I was able to once again re-think the importance of seeing the difference.

  71. Yoshiko Nagata Faculty of Policy Studies 4th year Osaka prefecture In India, people use their hands instead of tissues in the bathroom. Therefore, I thought it was strange how they use their hands when they eat.

  72. Daisei Yo Faculty of Commerce 4th year Hyogo prefecture This may happen to be just the people I met but it was shocking to see a Saudi Arabian having his father and an Italian having a picture of himself on their main screen for the cell phone.

  73. Katsunori Fukui Faculty of Commerce 4th year Nara prefecture By seeing how foreign tourists were straightforward with their expressions, I felt that Japanese people werenft good at expressing their feelings.

  74. Takao Tsuji Faculty of Economics Graduate of 2009 Saga prefecture When I stayed in China for four years, I felt a crossculture with their strength of individualism that lacked in the Japanese.

  75. Hironori Aoyama Faculty of Commerce 4th year Aichi prefecture I think its possible to communicate through the heart, without expressing with words. One can feel the difference in their cultures by comparing with one another.

  76. Hikaru Shimizu Faculty of Commerce 4th year Osaka prefecture Rather than seeking for people with the same values and ways of thinking, itfs important to coexist after accepting the difference of others.

  77. Ryuichi Asada Faculty of Culture & Information Science 2nd year China I think by knowing interculture, it will make one experienced. It will also allow one to gain a wide point of view, rich knowledge and various ways of thinking.

  78. Tomomi Hattori Faculty of Social Studies 3rd year Osaka prefecture Inter-culture may be biased and hard to approach without knowledge. But after getting deeply involved and breaking the language barrier, it can create common happiness.
  79. Manami Tsuguchi Faculty of Economics 2nd year Nagasaki prefecture Itfs important to take away fixed ideas and stand on common grounds when one experiences cross culture. It also gives you another chance to recognize your own countries culture.
  80. Yuta Shibayama Faculty of Law 2nd year Kyoto prefecture I ate things Ifve never eaten before, saw sceneries Ifve never seen before and remembered words Ifve never heard before. Things like these were interesting.

  81. Daiki Nakakoji Faculty of Social Studies 1st year Osaka prefecture I was surprised how they didnft have an honorific expression in America.

  82. Hitoshi Yanase Faculty of Social Studies 1st year Nara prefecture Even though the driverfs seat is on the left in Japan, it is on the right in Korea.

  83. Takuma Ikeda Faculty of Social Studies 1st year Osaka prefecture In Korea, hitting someone on the head is considered very bad.

  84. Yoshiko Saito Faculty of Theology 1st year Kyoto prefecture Unlike Japan, they donft have a social standing relationship in America.

  85. Yu Ito Faculty of Policy Studies 1st year Nagoya prefecture How most college students in Korea had a high tolerance for alcohol.

  86. M. Ishida Faculty of Economics Graduate of 2006 Kyoto prefecture When I found out that Islamic didnft have a figure to worship like Buddhism and Christianity.

  87. Graduate of 1956 Kyoto prefecture In 1939, there was a childrenfs book called Kinder book that had a picture of a city in England. When I saw that it was completely different from Japan I thought, gI didnft know they had a place like this! This must be a foreign country.h

  88. Graduate of 1957 Kyoto prefecture When I entered middle school, an American English teacher sat down on his desk and I couldnft believe it! I thought, gThe desk isnft made to be sat onh

  89. Graduate of 1989 Kyoto prefecture When I realized that in America, wearing a T-shirt with obvious holes, one that was considered a favorite, was nothing out of the ordinary. Of course they only wore them at casual places like at school or gym class. I donft know how it is now in Japan but at the time, Japanese people would only wear such clothes at home.

  90. Faculty of Economics Graduate of 1958 Kyoto prefecture In Oslo, Norway, the women have more power. For instance, the women gets off of an elevator first.

  91. Faculty of Economics Graduate of 1966 Kyoto prefecture Ever since I learned English when I entered Middle School, I had an interest and was able to exchange with many foreigners.

  92. Masao Suzuki Faculty of Law Graduate of 1968 Kyoto prefecture The first time I talked withan American during Middle School. I was surprised when I got a response when I said hello.

  93. Faculty of Economics Graduate of 1984 Kyoto prefecture How manners while eating are different due to ones nationality.

  94. Faculty of Commerce Graduate of 1977 Osaka prefecture I honestly didnft feel an inter-culture. I think if one is able to get along with other people, the language barrier wouldnft be a problem.

  95. Faculty of Policy Studies 4th year Osaka prefecture The bus left before the actual departing time. The timetable was pointless.

  96. Faculty of Policy Studies 2nd year Aichi prefecture Eye contact while talking, the usage of artificial coloring (pink and light blue whip cream), how a lot of English expressions are affirmative.

  97. Graduate Even though water is free in Japan, it costs money in most foreign countries.

  98. Graduate When I went on a trip to Europe, I learned that they have a habit of taking good care of buildings and furniture.

  99. Graduate I was overwhelmed with the power and speed of the minor baseball team, Seals in 1948.

  100. Graduate Whenever I traveled abroad, I had a hard time getting used to the various types of toilets.

  101. Kazushige Murata Faculty of Commerce Graduate of 2007 Nara prefecture How the streets of India consisted not only people and cars but animals too.

  102. Hirokazu Aoyama Graduate School of Policy & Management Graduate of 2007 Kyoto prefecture When I visited a village in Laos, I showed them some pictures that were on left on my digital camera. They were so excited and even other people gathered.

  103. Faculty of Science & Engineering Kyoto prefecture How European High School students thought they were more mature than students in Asia.

  104. Faculty of Letters Graduate of 1996 Osaka prefecture Itfs important to state your opinions without leaving room for compromise.

  105. R. Y. Faculty of Letters Graduate of 1996 Osaka prefecture I was shocked when my host family greeted me with a hug. Also, when I first hugged an Australian, I couldnft put my arms around them because they had thick muscles.

  106. S. K. Faculty of Letters Graduate of 1996 Kyoto prefecture Eating the same thing everyday and using horses as a main transportation; I was shocked when I saw people riding their horses to the post office.

  107. Takashi Yoshikawa Faculty of Letters Graduate of 1996 Kyoto prefecture In Korea, people shake with one hand while putting the other hand between the wrist and elbow. They also go out for a drink after their last train because they can use the taxi for a reasonable price.

  108. Faculty of Commerce Graduate of 1996 Hyogo prefecture When I was shopping in a foreign country, the change was thrown away. The fact that the common sense of change of Japan wasnft understood was a culture shock.

  109. J. O. Faculty of Letters Graduate of 1996 Osaka prefecture Whenever I talk with foreigners, they maintain eye contact the whole time. I donft think they have such a thing as an insincere smile.

  110. Miki Tsuchida Faculty of Letters Graduate of 1996 Kyoto prefecture Itfs interesting to see how Japanese and Americans are different when traveling abroad. Japanese people study and try to speak the language even if theyfre not good. But on the other hand, it seems like Americans do not care much about communicating with the people and tend to follow their usual ways.

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